Why you need to be your own valentine. Read more about it in my article posted in Thrive Global
New Year Detox


Today, we celebrate Dussehra, the day of victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishaur. It is celebrated as the victory of good over evil. For the spiritual seeker, misery in the mind is the true fight or conflict. We dedicate our life to spiritual practices, service, Satsang (being with like-minded people) and knowledge as the way to overcome this conflict. We become victorious and feel full in celebration of life.
These past nine nights we spent together in chanting, doing fast/whatever we can do to our body and be observing the mind. With the help of Goddess Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati, we moved from self-purification to self-transformation and finally to self-knowledge.
Wanting, Doing and knowing of the self-are all manifestations of the same energy that is YOU. At any given time one of these will dominate.
When the ‘Wanting’ dominates then we will be experiencing sorrow and sadness.
When ‘Doing’ dominates then we will experience the anxiety and attachment to results.
When ‘Knowing’ dominates we will experience the awareness and happiness.
Last but not least when our ‘Wanting’ and ‘Doing; are dedicated to the highest good of society and to serve humanity our consciousness automatically elevate and self-knowledge will dawn.
🌿 *Shantir Astu* let there be peace
🌿 *Tushtir Astu* let there be contentment & fulfillment
🌿 *Pushtir Astu* let there be abundance in your life
Wish you all a very Happy *VIJAYA DASHAMI and Dassehra *!!!
Navratri-Day 9

Today is the third and final day which honors Goddess Saraswati. She is often depicted as being seated on a rock. Knowledge, like a rock, is steadfast support. It stays with us at all times. She plays the veena, a musical instrument, which mellifluous notes bring harmony and peace to the mind. Similarly, spiritual knowledge brings relaxation and celebration to ones’ life.
The nine days of Navratri gives us the opportunity to pause, reflect and reset our mind, body and Self. With the help of the traditions, masters and powerful goddess energies, we set clear intentions, put forth attention and receive the biggest gift of all: knowledge of the Self. The simplicity of knowing the appropriate foods and exercise for our body and the correct practices for our mind brings assurance and the confidence that no other type of knowledge provides. With renewed energy and knowledge, we are able to move ahead.
In these nine days we dissolved into the divine by dropping the discriminating ego, judging intellect that separates us from others and conquering the doubting monkey mind. Lets pray to the DIVINE MOTHER to keep us on this practice though out.
Navratri-Day 8

Today, we continue our worship for goddess Saraswati. One cannot attain the divine knowledge without removing negative tendencies and having wealth of love, inner peace and calmness.We first have to purify ourselves to get to the path of wisdom. Goddess Saraswati bestows the shakti (energy) to devotees so that they can attain knowledge.
Take a moment in the day or just before going to bed to check in with yourself of physical and mental/emotional symptoms as indicators of what is going on in the body and mind. Physical symptoms are bodily sensations– Imbalance: heaviness, sluggishness, weakness. Balance: energy, stamina, steady breathing. Mental/Emotional symptoms are feelings, thoughts– Imbalance: tense, restless, agitated. Balance: calm, relaxed, focused.
In order to merge in to our pure self we release our weak self that attracts violence and abuse in any form.
Navratri-Day 7

Today, this seventh day marks the final days of Navratri. We moved from self-purification to self-transformation and now we prepare ourselves to receive self-knowledge. Our prayer is devoted to Goddess Saraswati. She is the one who gives the essence (Saara) of the self (Swa), the one who gives the essence of self. She is the bestower of the true light of knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Keeping a gentle awareness of our body gives us the understanding of what foods best suit us, how much sleep gives us adequate rest, how much exercise or movement provides energy, and those activities that uplift our spirit. Take this knowledge of your self as a toolbox for well-being. This toolbox and all the knowledge in it is yours, and it’s the duty of self-knowledge to always be there for you.
We surrender our doubting mind, judging intellect and Discriminating Ego to dissolve into recognizing and being whole and complete and balanced.
Navratri-Day 6

Today is the third and final day which honors the Mother Divine as Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She bestows material and spiritual wealth in abundance. Lakshmi is the energy that manifests as the complete spiritual and material well-being of a person.
In our diets, the more we eat from natural, whole food sources, the less we require in overall food intake. In our lives, the more we engage in activities of service and truth, the less we require in life. Keep food and life simple. Continue with yoga/ Exercise.
Navratri-Day 5

We continue our worship to Goddess Lakshmi, the prosperity bestowing aspect of the Mother Divine. Goddess Lakshmi does not merely bestow material prosperity, but also grants qualities which we as spiritual seekers require, namely calmness, peace, equanimity, compassion, and love.
Today we take the opportunity to practice eating with awareness. So often we stuff food into our mouths while distracted, agitated or hurried. This diminishes the pleasure that food gives us and the nutrition it provides for the body. Take notice of the scent, texture, taste of your food while taking slow, gentle breaths. Place your fork down between bites. Eating with awareness is a form of love and compassion towards your body.
We surrender our doubting mind, judging intellect and Discriminating Ego to dissolve into the Cosmic Egg of this Universe that bursts open with Universal Inspiration to create newness with every breath.
Navratri-Day 4

The next three days, we move from self-purification to self- transformation. Our worship is now devoted to Goddess Lakshmi, the prosperity-bestowing form. With her energy, positive qualities replace negative ones. Devotees pray for removing obstacles and bringing success in their paths.
Successfully changing bad habits to good ones come from putting attention on what is already working for you than trying to fix what is not.
Observe the transition of thoughts. Your every breath, thought and action affects your cosmos out there. The cosmos around you is what makes your world within you.
Navratri -Day 3
![]() Self Today is the third and final day which is devoted to the energy and power of Goddess Durga. We renew our commitment to acquire triumph over all of our negative tendencies and imperfections, and purify them enough to become a receptacle of her divine energy. Body What works for one does not always work for another. Tapping into the wisdom of our own body gives us the guidance to know what works for us. Take note of the foods you eat, and how it makes you feel: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Take note of sleep habits and your daily energy levels. This simple understanding of our body allows us to function optimally; we feel light and energized. Mind : Surrender the doubting mind, judging intellect and Discriminating Ego to dissolve cowardice and weakness. Thereby protect courageously the Inner Child and attract prosperity and abundance to enjoy the journey in this body.